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Do you have to make a gift for the Christmas holidays? Do you want to drink our wines for beautiful occasions on these holidays?
From today you can buy the Christmas packs of 2 or 3 bottles of our wines.
Pack 1: Astreo + White Irons + Red Irons € 22.00 instead of € 27.30
Pack 2: Astreo + White Irons + White Irons € 21.00 instead of € 26.50
Pack 3: Astreo + Astreo + White Irons € 24.00 instead of € 29.60
Pack 4: Astreo + White Irons € 16.00 instead of 18.70
Pack 5: White Irons + Red Irons € 14.00 instead of 16.50
Write to to complete the purchase.
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